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[游戏攻略] FM2013 关于比赛引擎的一至六个小提示

发表于 2012-12-5 14:50 |阅读模式
The Twelve Step Guide

1: Be prepared to admit you have a problem and need to change your approach. Until you do, nobody can help you.

2: Unless you are 100% sure you know what each and every slider does and how they interact, abandon them. Don't manually tweak a single setting. Embrace the TC (at least in the short term). Only use the playmaker and target man checkboxes to specify them and the TM's supply type (should you wish to).

3: Become aware that the strategy names are more plastic than they seem. The defensive strategy still attacks on the counter, whereas the attacking strategy can still be defensively solid. Bar the two extremes (Contain and Overload), each strategy is both defensive and attacking. A good rule of thumb is that if you want to play with a lot of deep midfielders and a short passing game, choose a less attacking strategy, whereas if you want to have high, effective wingers and a direct style, choose a more attacking strategy. Choose and save three core strategies for your trained tactics, but don't worry about the reserve ones or how well trained they are. Just focus on a specific style and use that as your base tactic in all matches until you are becoming more confident about your decision making.  
三、要注意,每个战术策略的内涵要比它们的名字更丰富。防守策略仍然会有反击效果,而进攻策略也仍然会 保持一定的防守稳定性。除了首尾两个极端策略(疯狂进攻和死命防守)外,每个战术策略都有进攻和防守的作用。一个好建议是,如果你想要设定一个侧重中场厚 度和短传控球的战术的话,选一个进攻性不强的策略;当然,如果想要拥有高效率的边路进攻,和更直接的进攻手段,选择进攻倾向性更强的策略。选择并保证有三 个只属于你的核心战术,不要担心队伍对储备战术熟悉程度不高的问题。不过在你能自信灵活安排战术之前,只专研一种战术比较靠谱。

4: Focus on roles and duties in the TC. Make sure you have one Attack duty in defence, one Attack and one Defend in midfield, and one Support in attack (especially if you have a lone FC). Make sure you have at least one no-nonsense, hard-working midfielder role. If you want to use a PM, will he be in the best position to hurt players, or will your approach see him isolated (see point eleven). More detail here.
四、熟悉战术编辑器里的角色和职责。确定你的防线上有个进攻职责的人,中场有一个负责进攻,一个负责防 守的,并且有一个策应进攻的角色(特别是当你是单前锋战术的时候)。确定你至少有个精神属性高,干脏活累活的中场。如果你想要拥有一个组织核心,那么一定 要确保他在最佳位置能够传出威胁球,否则你会发现他没啥大用(参照第11条)

5: Look at the team comparison page to determine how strong / weak your team is to the divisional average. Use the tactical adjustments to take advantage of / cover for this (e.g. if you have a very slow or lazy team, stand off more, whereas if they are quick and hard-working, press more)

6: Use the shouts to develop and save a favoured playing style, which should also suit your team strengths / weaknesses. For example, a highly technical team can sit deep and counter at pace, so using retain possession, pass into space, run at defence with a counter strategy may be worthwhile. A less technical but more physical team might want to impose themselves in a different way, so consider using get ball forwards, hit early crosses, get stuck in with an attack strategy.
六、使用喊话,并逐渐形成自己的一个常用模式。当然,喊话内容也要适合你球队的优缺点。例如,一个技战术程度很高的球队能够很沉稳并且反击速率很快,所以使用反击策略,保持控球、多传空当和盘过防守会很有效。如果技术很差但是身体条件很好的球队,可以用一种不同的方式加强他们的优势,例如使用一个进攻策略,进攻前压,尽早传中和凶狠逼抢的喊话 转载请注明【网址】和【爆棚网】
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