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[战术阵型] Rutter透露FIFA12将是一次游戏性上的革新

发表于 2011-4-27 12:00 |阅读模式
Not my words, the words of FIFA supremo David Rutter who according to IGN hinted at big changes for FIFA 12 this year, especially in the gameplay department. Sadly Dave wouldn’t expand on his teasing comment but it seems ** is very much on the agenda for EA this year.

David Rutter, Line Producer for FIFA 12, promised a “**ary year for FIFA… especially in the gameplay department.”

Admittedly this is just a one-liner with little in the way of detail to back up the claim but for a gameplay experience which has been based very much around evolution over the last four years, “**” is an interesting choice of words.

Is a ** coming?
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